For M-PEC - 前書き:Preface
<Revised on 2016.06.10 / 下線、蛍光個所は、LL & M-PECでの学習上の重要箇所です。>
2016年5月27日:オバマ大統領の広島での歴史的スピーチ (全文)
Obama Makes Historic Speech in Hiroshima on May 27th, 2016 (Full Text)
<英文は共同通信社より。注釈と翻訳は遠藤由明。17 minutes’ Speech、1454 letters>
71 years ago, on a bright cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed. A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city and *demonstrated that mankind *possessed the means to destroy itself. Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? We come to *ponder a terrible *force *unleashed in the not so *distant past. We come to *mourn the dead, including over 100,000 Japanese men, women and children, thousands of Koreans and a dozen Americans held prisoner.
Their souls speak to us. They ask us to look inward to take stock of who we are and what we might become.
*a wall of fire:火の壁 ⇒ 逃げ場のない火炎 *demonstrate [démənstrèɪt] (vt) 論証する、実証する *possess [pəzés]:(vt) 所有する *ponder [pάndɚ]:(vt) 熟考する *force [fˈɔɚs]:(n) 物理的な強さ、軍隊 *unleash [`ʌnlíːʃ]:(vt) ~の束縛を解き放つ <a terrible force unleashed:解き放たれた恐ろしい力> *distant [dístənt]:(a) 距離的に遠い *mourn [mˈɔɚn]:(vt) 哀悼する、悔やむ *take stock of:~を評価する、棚卸する
It is not the fact of war that *sets Hiroshima apart. *Artifacts tell us that violent *conflict appeared with the very first men. Our early ancestors, having learned to make blades from *flint and *spears from wood, used these tools not just for hunting but against their own kind.
On every continent the history of civilization is filled with war, whether driven by *scarcity of grain or hunger for gold, *compelled by nationalist *fervor or religious *zeal. Empires have risen and fallen, peoples have been *subjugated and *liberated, and at each *juncture innocents have suffered -- a countless *toll, their names forgotten by time.
*set ~ apart:~を別にしておく *artifact [άɚṭɪf`ækt]:(n) 人工物、遺物 *conflict [kάnflɪkt]:闘争、衝突 *flint [flínt]:火打石、燧石(すいせき) *spear [spíɚ]:槍(やり) *scarcity [skéɚsəṭi]:欠乏 *compel [kəmpél]:(vt) 無理強いする、強要する *fervor [fˈɚːvɚ]:沸騰、熱烈、熱情 <Cf. fever [fíːvɚ]:発熱、熱狂> * zeal [zíːl]:熱中、熱意 *subjugate [sˈʌbdʒʊgèɪt]:(vt) 征服する、服従させる *liberate [líbərèɪt]:(vt) 開放する、自由にする *juncture [dʒˈʌŋ(k)tʃɚ]:(n) 結合、重大な危機 *toll [toʊl]:鐘の音、死者
The World War that reached its *brutal end in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was fought among the *wealthiest and most powerful of nations. Their civilizations had given the world great cities and magnificent art. Their thinkers had advanced ideas of justice and harmony and truth, and yet the war grew out of the same base *instinct for *domination or conquest that had caused conflicts among the simplest *tribes, an old pattern amplified by new *capabilities and without new *constraints.
*brutal [brúːṭl]:(a) 冷酷な、残忍な * wealthiest [wɛ́lθiəst]:最も裕福な < wealthy [wélθi] 最上級:裕福な> * instinct [ínstɪŋ(k)t]:本能、直感 *domination [dὰmənéɪʃən]:統治、支配 *simple [símpl]:(a) (構造が)単純で扱いやすい <easy = (苦労しないで)簡単な、易しい> *tribe [trάɪb]:種族、部族 *capability [kèɪpəbíləṭi]:才能、戦闘能力 *constraint [kənˈstreɪnt]:制約、制限、強制、束縛
In the span of a few years some 60 million people would die; men, women, children -- no different than us, shot, beaten, marched, bombed, jailed starved, gassed to death. There are many sites around the world that *chronicle this war -- memorials that tell stories of courage and heroism, graves and empty camps, the echo of unspeakable *depravity. Yet in the image of a mushroom cloud that rose into these skies, we are most *starkly reminded of humanity's core contradiction -- how the very *spark that marks us as a *species, our thoughts, our imagination, our language, our tool making, our ability to set ourselves apart from nature and bend it to our will -- those very things also give us the capacity for *unmatched destruction.
*chronicle [krάnɪkl]:(vt) 記録にとどめる、(n) 年代記 * depravity [dɪprˈævəṭi]:堕落、悪行 *starkly [stɑ́rkli]:(ad) 厳然と、不愛想に *spark [spάɚk]:火花、閃光 *species [spíːʃiːz]:種 <our species:人類> *unmatched [`ʌnmˈætʃt]:(a) 無比の、並ぶもののない
この2,3年の間に6000万もの人たちが亡くなりました。男性、女性、子供達。私たちと全く変わらない人たちが - 撃たれ、殴られ、行進させられ、爆撃を受け、牢獄で飢えさせられ、ガス室で亡くなりました。世界中には、この戦争の歴史を記録した場所が沢山あります。- 慰霊碑が、勇気と英雄的な物語や、墓地や、空っぽな収容所や無言が響き渡る悪行です。しかし、空に上がったキノコ雲の追想の中で、私たちは人類の非常に大きな不条理に突き当ります。私たちの考え、想像、言語、道具の製作、私たちが自然とは違うということを示す能力こそが種の一つとして人類ならしめているのですが - 正に同時にこのことのために、無比の破壊の力が私たちに与えられたのです。
How often does material advancement or social *innovation *blind us to this truth? How easily do we learn to justify violence in the name of some higher cause? Every great religion promises a *path to love and peace and *righteousness. And yet no religion has been *spared from believers who have *claimed their faith has a license to kill. Nations arise telling a story that binds people together in *sacrifice and *cooperation, allowing for remarkable feats, but those same stories have so often been used to *oppress and dehumanize those who are different. Science allows us to communicate across the seas, fly above the clouds, to cure disease and understand the cosmos. But those same discoveries can be turned into ever more *efficient killing machines.
*blind [blάɪnd]:(vt) 判断力を失くす、目を眩(くら)ます *innovation [ìnəvéɪʃən]:刷新、革新 *path [pˈæθ]:小道、人の歩くべき道 *righteousness [ráɪtʃəsnəs]:公正、正義 *spare [spéɚ]:(vt) 与える、なしで済ませる *claim [kleɪm]:(vt) 正しいとして主張する * sacrifice [sˈækrəfὰɪs]:(n) 生贄(いけにえ)、(vt) 捧げる * cooperation [koʊὰpəréɪʃən]:協力、協調 * oppress [əprés]:(vt) 圧迫する、ふさぎ込ませる *dehumanize [dìːhjúːmənὰɪz]:(vt) 非人間化する、人間性を奪う *efficient [ɪfíʃənt]:(a) 効率的な、敏腕の
The wars of the modern age teach us this truth. Hiroshima teaches this truth. Technological progress without an *equivalent progress in human *institutions can *doom us. The scientific revolution that led to the splitting of an *atom requires a moral revolution as well. That is why we come to this place. We stand here in the middle of this city and *force ourselves to imagine the moment the bomb fell. We force ourselves to feel the dread of children confused by what they see. We listen to a silent cry. We remember all the innocents killed across the arc of that terrible war, and the wars that came before, and the wars that would follow. Mere words cannot *give voice to such suffering. But we have a shared responsibility to look directly into the eye of history and ask what we must do *differently to *curb such suffering again.
*equivalent [ɪkwív(ə)lənt]:(a) 同価値の、同意義の *institution [ìnstət(j)úːʃən]:制度、慣例、公共施設 *doom [dúːm]:(vt) 運命づける、(n) 破滅 *atom [ˈæṭəm]:原子、微塵 <splitting of an atom:原子の分裂> force [fˈɔːs] ~ + to do:(vt) ~がせざるを得ない / (n): 物理的な力 *give voice to~:~に(決意を)表明する *curb [kˈɚːb]:(vt) 抑制する *differently [díf(ə)rəntli]:(ad) 異なって
Someday the voices of the Hibakusha will no longer be with us to *bear witness. But the memory of the morning of August 6, 1945 must never *fade. That memory allows us to fight *complacency. It *fuels our moral imagination, it allows us to change. And since that fateful day we have made choices that give us hope. The United States and Japan *forged not only an *alliance, but a friendship that has won far more for our people that we can ever claim through war. The nations of Europe built a union that replaced battlefields with *bonds of commerce and democracy. *Oppressed peoples and nations won *liberation. An international community established institutions and treaties that worked to avoid war and *aspired to *restrict and roll back and *ultimately eliminate the existence of nuclear weapons.
*bear [béɚ]:(vt) 産む、(証拠を)示す、与える *witness [wítnəs]:証人、証拠 *fade [feɪd]:(vi, vt) 消す、萎(しぼ)む *complacency [kəmˈpl’eɪsnsi]:自己満足 *fuel [fjúːəl]:(vt) 感情を煽(あお)る / (n) 燃料 *forge [fˈɔɚdʒ]:(n) 鍛冶場、(vt) 鍛える (vi) 徐々に進む *alliance [əlάɪəns]:同盟 *bond [bάnd]:(n) 束縛、結束 *oppressed [əprɛ́st]:(a) 虐(しいた)げられた *liberation [lìbəréɪʃən]:解放、釈放 *institution [ìnstət(j)úːʃən]:制度、公共施設 *aspire [əspάɪɚ]:(vt) 大志を抱く、熱望する *restrict [rɪstríkt]:(vt) 制限する *ultimately [ʌ́ltəmətli]:(ad) 遂に、究極的に *eliminate [əlímənèɪt]:(vt) 除去する
いつの日か、被爆者の声も証人たり得なくなることでしょう。しかし「1945年8月6日の記憶」は、決して消し去れるものではありません。その記憶のおかげで、私たちは慢心と戦うことができます。私たちの道徳的な想像力をかきたててくれますし、私たちに変化を促してくれます。あの運命の日以来、私たちは希望を与えるものは何かを選択することになったのです。アメリカ合衆国そして日本は、同盟を強固にしてきただけではなく、戦争を振り返って異議を主張するような人々をはるかに超える友情も育んできました。欧州では連合 (EU)ができました。国々は、かつての戦場を、商業と民主主義の絆で結ばれています。抑圧されていた人たちや国々は、解放を勝ち得ました。そして戦争を避けるための様々な制度や条約をつくりました。核兵器保有に制約をかけ、制限し、削減し、最終的には、廃絶へと導くためのものです。
Still, every act of *aggression between nations, every act of *terror and *corruption and *cruelty and oppression that we see around the world shows our work is never done. We may not be able to eliminate man's capacity to do evil, so nations and the alliances that we formed must possess the means to protect ourselves. Among those nations like my own that hold nuclear stockpiles, we must have the courage to escape the logic of fear and *pursue a world without them.
*aggression [əgréʃən]:侵略、不当な攻撃 *terror [térɚ]:恐怖、テロ *corruption [kərˈʌpʃən]:堕落、収賄 *cruelty [krúːəlti]:残酷、無慈悲、虐待 *pursue [pɚsúː]:(vt) 追及する
We may not realize this goal in my lifetime, but *persistent effort can *roll back the possibility of *catastrophe. We can chart a course that leads to the *destruction of these *stockpiles, we can stop the spread to new nations, and *secure *deadly materials from *fanatics. And yet that is not enough, for we see around the world today how even the *crudest rifles and *barrel bombs can *serve up violence on a terrible scale. We must change our *mindset about war itself -- to prevent conflicts through *diplomacy and *strive to end conflicts after they've begun; to see our growing *interdependence as a cause for peaceful cooperation and not violent competition; to *define our nations not by our capacity to destroy but by what we build; and perhaps above all reimagine our connection to one another as members of one human race -- for this too, is what makes our species unique.
*persistent [pɚsístənt]:(a) しつこい、絶え間のない *roll back~:~を巻き返す、撃退する*catastrophe [kətˈæstrəfi]:大惨事、破滅 *destruction [dɪstrˈʌkʃən]:破壊、大量殺戮 (さつりく) *stockpile [stɑ́kpàɪl]:備蓄品 *secure [sɪkjˈʊɚ]:(vt) 危険などから守る (a) 安全で危険のない *deadly [dédli]:(a) 致命的な、活気のない *fanatics [fənǽtɪks]:狂信者 *crude [krúːd]:(a) 未熟な、粗野な *barrel [bˈærəl]:樽、胴体 <a barrel of beer:1樽のビール / barrels of money:うなるほどのお金> *serve up~:~を食卓に出す *mindset [máɪndsɛ̀t]:思考態度 *diplomacy [dɪplóʊməsi]:外交、外交手腕 *strive [strάɪv]:もがき努力する、抗争する *interdependence [ɪ̀ntɚdəpɛ́ndəns]:相互依存 *define [dɪfάɪn]:(vt) 定義する、限定する
私が生きている間にこの目的は達成できないかもしれません。しかし、不断の努力によって、大惨事を防ぐことができます。このような備蓄されている破壊兵器を根絶する道を描くことができます。新興国への拡散を阻止し、狂信的たちに致命的破壊兵器が渡る危険を阻止することが可能です。しかし、それだけでは十分ではありません。世界では、粗末なライフルであっても、樽の爆弾であっても、想像を絶する破壊をもたらすことがあります。私たちの戦争そのものに対する考え方を変えなくてはなりません。- 始まってしまった紛争は、外交を通じて、終わらせる努力をしなければなりません。暴力抗争でではなく、平和的な協力の元となる相互依存を促進してゆくことが重要です。国家をその破壊能力としてではなく、建設するものは何かによって定義づけなければなりません。すなわち、同じ人類の一員としての繋がりを再び確認する必要があります。- この絆によってこそ、人類が特別な種であり得る証(あかし)となり得るのです。
We're not bound by *genetic codes to repeat the mistakes of the past. We can learn. We can choose. We can tell our children a different story, one that describes a common humanity, one that makes war less likely and *cruelty less easily accepted. We see these stories in the Hibakusha: the woman who forgave the pilot who flew the plane that dropped the atomic bomb because she recognized what she really hated was war itself; the man who *sought out families of Americans killed here because he believed their loss was equal to his own.
*genetic [dʒənéṭɪk]:(a) 遺伝学の、遺伝上の <genetic codes:遺伝暗号:遺伝コード> *cruelty [krúːəlti]:残忍、無慈悲、虐待 *sought out:seek out:捜し出す<過去形= sought>
私たち人類は、過去の過ちを繰り返すような遺伝子情報で縛られてはいません。学習能力があります。選択能力があります。子供達に対して、別の道もあるのだと語ることができます。人類の共通性、戦争が起こりにくい世界、残虐性を容易には受け入れない世界を作っていくことができるのだということを伝えることができます。次の広島での話がこのことを証明してくれています。- 原爆を落としたパイロットに会った女性がいました。彼女が心から憎むものは戦争そのものであることを悟っていましたから、原子爆弾を投下したパイロットを許したのです。アメリカの犠牲も、日本の犠牲も、同じなのだと信じることができたからこそ、(日本の)男性は、この地で殺されたアメリカ人の家族を捜し出したのです。
My own nation's story began with simple words. All men are created equal and *endowed with certain *inalienable rights, including life, liberty and the *pursuit of happiness. Realizing that ideal has never been easy, even within our own borders, even among our own citizens. But staying true to that story is worth the effort. It is an ideal to be strived for, an ideal that extends across continents and across oceans. The *irreducible worth of every person, the *insistence that every life is precious, the *radical and necessary *notion that we are part of a single human family: that is the story that we all must tell. That is why we come to Hiroshima, so that we might think of people we love, the first smile from our children in the morning, the gentle touch from a *spouse over the kitchen table, the comforting *embrace of a parent. We can think of those things and know that those same precious moments took place here 71 years ago. Those who died, they are like us.
*endow [endάʊ]:(vt) 寄贈する、授ける *inalienable [ìnéɪljənəbl]:(a) 奪うことができない、譲渡できない *pursuit [pɚsúːt]:追及、遂行 *irreducible [ìrɪd(j)úːsəbl]:(a) 単純化できない、削減できない *insistence [ɪnsístəns]:主張、強要 *radical [rˈædɪk(ə)l]:(a) 根本的な、急進的な、過激な *notion [nóʊʃən]:概念、考え、気紛(まぐ)れ *spouse [spάʊs]:配偶者 *embrace [embréɪs]:(vt) 抱きしめる、包含する
Ordinary people understand this, I think. They do not want more war. They would rather that the *wonders of science be focused on improving life and not *eliminating it. When the choices made by nations, when the choices made by leaders reflect this simple wisdom, then the lesson of Hiroshima is done. The world was forever changed here, but today the children of this city will *go through their day in peace. What a precious thing that is. It is worth protecting and then extending to every child. That is a future we can choose, a future in which Hiroshima and Nagasaki are known not as the *dawn of atomic *warfare, but as the start of our own moral awakening.
*eliminate [əlímənèɪt]:(vt) 除去する、殺す *go through~:~を通過する、耐え抜く *dawn [dˈɔːn]:夜明け、曙 *warfare [wˈɔɚfèɚ]:戦闘行為、闘争 *wonder [wˈʌndɚ]:驚き、驚嘆すべきもの
<The End>
These exterior pictures attached here are permitted to public for reuse.
This poor translation into English is for both brushing up Yoshy’s proficiency and telling updates to my foreign friends. Yoshy’s several foreign friends are always checking this blog; wrong expressions found, an article of “Correction” has been uploaded here.
英文中、英検2級レベル以上の語彙や表現には、* (星印)で注釈をつけています。
In this blog, Yoshy adds * (asterisk) at the vocabulary and expressions whose level are Eiken 2nd and over, and writes its explanation.
Malala Yousafzai’s Speech in UN
In the name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Honorable UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon, respected president of the General Assembly Vuk Jeremic, honorable UN envoy for global education Mr. Gordon Brown, respected elders and my dear brothers and sisters: Assalamu alaikum.
Today it is an honor for me to be speaking again after a long time. Being here with such honorable people is a great moment in my life and it is an honor for me that today I am wearing a shawl of the late Benazir Bhutto. I don't know where to begin my speech. I don't know what people would be expecting me to say, but first of all thank you to God for whom we all are equal and thank you to every person who has prayed for my fast recovery and new life. I cannot believe how much love people have shown me. I have received thousands of good-wish cards and gifts from all over the world. Thank you to all of them. Thank you to the children whose innocent words encouraged me. Thank you to my elders whose prayers strengthened me. I would like to thank my nurses, doctors and the staff of the hospitals in Pakistan and the UK and the UAE government who have helped me to get better and recover my strength.
I fully support UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in his Global Education First Initiative and the work of UN Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown and the respectful president of the UN General Assembly Vuk Jeremic. I thank them for the leadership they continue to give. They continue to inspire all of us to action. Dear brothers and sisters, do remember one thing: Malala Day is not my day. Today is the day of every woman, every boy and every girl who have raised their voice for their rights.
There are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers who are not only speaking for their rights, but who are struggling to achieve their goal of peace, education and equality. Thousands of people have been killed by the terrorists and millions have been injured. I am just one of them. So here I stand, one girl among many. I speak not for myself, but so those without a voice can be heard. Those who have fought for their rights.
Their right to live in peace. Their right to be treated with dignity.Their right to equality of opportunity. Their right to be educated.
Dear friends, on 9 October 2012, the Taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead. They shot my friends, too. They thought that the bullets would silence us, but they failed. And out of that silence came thousands of voices. The terrorists thought they would change my aims and stop my ambitions. But nothing changed in my life except this: weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage were born. I am the same Malala. My ambitions are the same. My hopes are the same. And my dreams are the same. Dear sisters and brothers, I am not against anyone. Neither am I here to speak in terms of personal revenge against the Taliban or any other terrorist group. I am here to speak for the right of education for every child. I want education for the sons and daughters of the Taliban and all the terrorists and extremists. I do not even hate the Taliban who shot me.
Even if there was a gun in my hand and he was standing in front of me, I would not shoot him. This is the compassion I have learned from Mohamed, the prophet of mercy, Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha. This the legacy of change I have inherited from Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Mohammed Ali Jinnah.
たとえもし,私が手に銃を持っていて,兵士が私の前に立っていても,私は彼を撃つつもりはありません。これは私が慈悲を持った予言者モハメッド,キリスト,そして釈迦から学んだ思いやりの心なのです。これはマーチン・ルーサー・キング牧師,ネルソン・マンデラ,そして (パキスタン建国の父) モハメッド・アリ・ジンナーから受け継いだ革新という財産です。
This is the philosophy of nonviolence that I have learned from Gandhi, Bacha Khan and Mother Teresa. And this is the forgiveness that I have learned from my father and from my mother. This is what my soul is telling me: be peaceful and love everyone.
これはガンジー,(アフガニスタンの) バシャ・カーン,そしてマザー・テレサから学んだ非暴力という哲学です。そして私の両親から学んだ寛容の精神です。心の中の私が私に話しかけてきます。「心を穏やかに。全ての人を愛しなさい」と。
Dear sisters and brothers, we realise the importance of light when we see darkness. We realise the importance of our voice when we are silenced. In the same way, when we were in Swat, the north of Pakistan, we realised the importance of pens and books when we saw the guns. The wise saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword." It is true. The extremists are afraid of books and pens. The power of education frightens them. They are afraid of women. The power of the voice of women frightens them. This is why they killed 14 innocent students in the recent attack in Quetta. And that is why they kill female teachers. That is why they are blasting schools every day because they were and they are afraid of change and equality that we will bring to our society. And I remember that there was a boy in our school who was asked by a journalist: "Why are the Taliban against education?" He answered very simply by pointing to his book, he said: "A Taliban doesn't know what is written inside this book."
They think that God is a tiny, little conservative being who would point guns at people's heads just for going to school. These terrorists are misusing the name of Islam for their own personal benefit. Pakistan is a peace-loving, democratic country. Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons. Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood. It is the duty and responsibility to get education for each child, that is what it says. Peace is a necessity for education. In many parts of the world, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, terrorism, war and conflicts stop children from going to schools. We are really tired of these wars. Women and children are suffering in many ways in many parts of the world.
In India, innocent and poor children are victims of child labor. Many schools have been destroyed in Nigeria. People in Afghanistan have been affected by extremism. Young girls have to do domestic child labor and are forced to get married at an early age. Poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and the deprivation of basic rights are the main problems,faced by both men and women.
Today, I am focusing on women's rights and girls' education because they are suffering the most. There was a time when women activists asked men to stand up for their rights. But this time we will do it by ourselves. I am not telling men to step away from speaking for women's rights, but I am focusing on women to be independent and fight for themselves. So dear sisters and brothers, now it's time to speak up. So today, we call upon the world leaders to change their strategic policies in favor of peace and prosperity. We call upon the world leaders that all of these deals must protect women and children's rights. A deal that goes against the rights of women is unacceptable.
We call upon all governments to ensure free, compulsory education all over the world for every child. We call upon all the governments to fight against terrorism and violence. To protect children from brutality and harm. We call upon the developed nations to support the expansion of education opportunities for girls in the developing world. We call upon all communities to be tolerant, to reject prejudice based on caste, creed, sect, color, religion or agenda to ensure freedom and equality for women so they can flourish. We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave, to embrace the strength within themselves and realise their full potential.
Dear brothers and sisters, we want schools and education for every child's bright future.
We will continue our journey to our destination of peace and education. No one can stop us. We will speak up for our rights and we will bring change to our voice. We believe in the power and the strength of our words. Our words can change the whole world because we are all together, united for the cause of education. And if we want to achieve our goal,
then let us empower ourselves with the weapon of knowledge and let us shield ourselves with unity and togetherness.
Dear brothers and sisters, we must not forget that millions of people are suffering from poverty and injustice and ignorance. We must not forget that millions of children are
out of their schools. We must not forget that our sisters and brothers are waiting for a bright, peaceful future.
So let us wage a glorious struggle against illiteracy, poverty and terrorism, let us pick up our books and our pens, they are the most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.
Thank you.
講演:「黒田官兵衛の愛と真実」by 守部喜雅先生
Lecture: “Kuroda Kanbei’s Love and Truth” by Mr. Moribe Yoshimasa
6月14日(土)、7:15 pm~8:30 pm、春日謙信交流館で、新潟福音放送協力会主催の講演会にRと出席しました。
On Saturday evening of June 14th, from 7:15 to 8:30 pm, at Kasuga Kenshin Interaction Hall, R and Yoshy joined the lecture meeting sponsored by Niigata *God’s Word Broadcasting Association.
*God’s Word (Good News):福音(ふくいん)
The speaker was Mr. Moribe Yoshimasa and the title was “Kuroda Kanbei’s Love and Truth”.
He told us, in his first words, that there were two themes: one was “Nothing would be born from hatred”, the other was “If anyone couldn’t *undergo his/her self-transformation, he/she couldn’t change the time.”
*undergo~:~を受ける、忍ぶ *self-transformation:自己改革
In Yoshy’s other words, that would mean; “It was Kuroda Kanbei, one of such samurais as tried to rebuild new Japan with *their own values which hadn’t existed before then in our original culture called Yamato-one. I.e. ‘*what goes around come around.’ and ‘*hatred or grudge’ had been *swirling in the battlefields in the Age of Civil Wars before then.”
*“What goes around comes around.”:「出てゆくものは戻る:因果応報」 *hatred:憎悪
*one’s own value:自身の価値観 *grudge:怨念、憎しみ *swirl:渦巻く
The followings are the *notes from Mr. Moribe’s words, in which there must be some ones Yoshy *heard wrong; if so, hoping you to forgive me.
*note:メモ、覚書 *hear~ wrong:~を聞き違える
His own value meant “Love and *Forgiveness” of Christianity. “He tried treating any enemy and any friend with his same *tender Love as humans”, which must be beyond our imagination how difficult his keeping practicing was in the Age of Civil War.
*forgiveness:(罪に対する)許し cf. permission:許可 *tender love:思いやりのある愛情:慈愛
The miracle and symbolic *jump-start of his changing values was described in the scene of this *long-running historical drama-series on NHK TV as “the flowers on a vine of *wisteria outside the *dungeon”, where he was *incarcerated by Araki Murashige.
*wisteria:藤 (の花:花言葉:「歓迎」the floral language is “Welcoming you!”)
* long-running historical drama-series on NHK TV:NHK大河ドラマ
He, in the drama, heard a God’s Words: “Stay alive!”
黒田官兵衛 (初め祐隆(すけたか)、孝隆 (よしたか)、のち孝高(読み同じ)、出家後は如水 (じょすい)、クリスチャン名:Don Simeon:1546-1604)は、信長、秀吉のもとでの軍師としての51回に及ぶ無敗の戦歴だけに価値があるのではなく、それ以上に、「いかにして死傷者を出さずに勝利するか」を実践したことにこそ歴史的価値があります。
Kuroda Kanbei (His name was changed from Suketaka, Yoshitakas: different Chinese characters and Josui after a Buddhist priest. His Christian name was Don Simeon. 1546-1604) was a *strategist supporting Nobunaga and Hideyoshi. He is famous not only for his great wartime-carrier: he commanded fifty-one battles winning all of them, but also *furthermore, actually practiced “how to win *bringing fewer deaths in the battle”. His historical greatness is where the latter half lies.
*strategist:戦略家、軍師 *furthermore:その上 *bring deaths:死者を出す
One of his sworn allies, a Christian *feudal lord, Takayama Ukon had also the same idea. This value of “Love and Forgiveness” was succeeded to e.g. Sakamoto Ryoma, Niijima Yae, Yamamoto Kakuma, and so on who lived in the *turmoil-time of ending samurai-period.
*feudal lord:封建制度の君主、大名 *turmoil~:激動の~
The time could be changed by that power of “Love and Forgiveness”, I believe.
*Citing an example of Niijima Yae; I might say because she taught how to operate the gun to the boys banded themselves together under the name of Byakko-tai: a military unit in *Aizu Domain, all of the boys couldn’t help committing suicide leaving only one alive. Those who watched a scene of NHK’s Drama: “Yae’s Cherry-blossoms” sure are able to understand her *alarming *feeling of guilty.
*cite~:~を引き合いに出す *Aizu Domain:会津領
*alarming~:不安にさせる、ただならぬ~ *feeling guilty:自責の念
最近では、… 2011年3月11日の「東日本大震災」の折、ある中年女性が、津波が来ることを予感して近所の老夫婦を車に乗せて高台に向かおうと説得しても間に合わず、自分が助かった10分後に、結局その老夫婦は流されたのです。
Citing a recent example … when “The Great East Japan Earthquake” occurred on March 11th, 2011, a middle-aged woman expected coming tsunami tried to head for higher ground by her car urging an old-aged couple to be with her; however, they did not agree to her frequent urging-words then the couple were *swept away just after ten munities when she was on a hill.
*sweep away~:~を流し去る
She confessed me that she had been *stung with remorse that “it was me who killed the two” with big pain when I finished my speech in Fukushima. And she continued saying to me *tears running down her cheeks, “Thanks to your speech, my emotional scar has been healed at last.”
*be stung with remorse:自責の念に苦しむ, sting:刺す、remorse:良心の呵責
*tears running down one’s cheeks:涙を流しながら
Ryoma is famous for his “Eight Rules *Laid Down on a Ship”, but I think, we should shed more light upon Yae’s elder brother, Yamamoto Kakuma’s *petition, “Kanken” which had a big impact on the *incipient era of Meiji Government. He made it in the jail of Satsuma Domein.
*lay down:策定する、横たえる、(武器を)明け渡す
*petition:請願、建白(書) *incipient era:初期、草創期
According to a historical note, Even Oda Nobunaga whom we tend to think cruel gave Kuroda Kanbei who was a *subordinate *two levels below him *due respect; he respected of Kanbei’s personality of a Christian.
*subordinate:部下 *two levels below~:~より2段階下の *due~:相応の~
その記録は、「メモ魔」で名高いポルトガルの宣教師、ルイス・フロイス (Luis Frois:1532-1597) が本国に向けて送った「日本史」の中にあります。
The note is written in “History of Japan” that a missionary, Luis Frois wrote and sent to his home country, Portugal. He is famous for an *obsessive note-taker.
*obsessive note-taker:メモ魔, obsessive:執拗な、取りつかれているような
The three teachings Luis Frois taught the two *persons who controlled Japan at their times were “Believe Zeus.”, “Ask for help.” and “Care about one another.” They could not use the word of LOVE, because the word at that time didn’t include present meanings of “*charity or benevolence”.
*person who control Japan:天下人 *charity:慈愛、寛容 *benevolence:慈悲、博愛
Hideyoshi began to proclaim “The Bans on Christianity or Orders of *Deportation *Missionaries” in 1587. So, all the records that Kanbei had been a Christian were perfectly erased then.
*ban:禁止令 *deportation:国外追放
*missionary:宣教師、伝道師 cf. padre:バテレンはポルトガル語の同意
ペトロ・ラモン(Petro Ramon) 神父の記録によると、官兵衛は、伏見で嫡男の長政に対し、博多の教会近くに埋葬するよう遺言しました。臨終に際してラモン神父に「告解」したかったのですが呼ぶことができませんでした。長政はキリスト教式葬儀を終えた後、仏式の葬儀も執り行いました。
According to Fr. Petro Ramon’s record, Kanbei told his last word to his son, Nagamasa in Fushimi; so that his dead body should be *buried near a church in Hakata. *With his last breath, he desired to “*confess” to Fr. Petro, but in vain. Nagamasa performed two kinds of funerals: one was Christian and the other was Buddhism.
*bury~:~を埋葬する *with one’s last breath:臨終に際して *confess:告白する、告解する
守部先生は、ヨッシーが好きな司馬遼太郎の著作、「播磨灘物語」を一言ご紹介くださいました。「官兵衛がクリスチャンだったことが少しだけ書かれています。」と。… その部分を引用いたします。
守部喜雅先生は1940年生まれ。現在、クリスチャン新聞・編集顧問、ジャーナリスト。Mr. Moribe Yoshimasa was born in 1940. He is now an adviser of Christian Newspaper and a journalist. FMI, see WIKIPEDIA (written in Japanese only):詳しくは、ウィキペディア:(日本語のみ) :HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
偉大な勇気:Great Courage Thanks!
Let Yoshy introduce the PPS pix Ms. Y in Malaysia forwarded on Thursday, October 4th.
You can see both English and Chinese in each picture.
17枚画像の最初の3枚と最後の#16, 17の画像の和訳を以下に書きます。
Yoshy is writing a translation into Japanese on the first three pictures and the last two pictures among all the 17 pix below.
<01> Great Courage Thanks!!!!
<02> Touching the sky without arms - Jessica Cox –
腕がなくても空を自分のものとする -ジェシカ・コックス―
<03> Jessica was born without arms as a result of a rare congenital disease.
Like every child, she did not understand why she had no arms as did the other children. “It was difficult to be different.”
<16> “I do not have arms but that is not what determines where I can go”
“Our great fear is not so much to not be up to measure, it is that we are stronger over and above all measure”.
“The human being must live some difficult moments in life to have emotional moments.”
“The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory.”
<17> And you, what do you lack to touch the sky?
シスター・渡辺和子先生との出合い on TV
9月15日(土), 2012、午後1:00ころ、ふとNHKのE-テレを聞き流しながら仕事をしていました。
On Saturday, September 15th, around 13:00, Yoshy was listening to TV (NHK, E-Tele) while working in my office.
On the way to the end, before Yoshy was aware, I devoted myself to the program, forgetting my work.
It was an interview between a male announcer of NHK and Sister Kazuko Watanabe who is the president of Notre-Dame Seishin University.
Sister Watanabe looked like “Seiko-Chan” who is the symbol character of her University; she was very cute, elegant and dignified.
The title of the program was “I live in my faint-hearted situation.”
Let me write a few impressive topics here.
“The disease of They-Can’t-Help-Me”: e.g. “My students don’t salute me at all”, “They don’t try to understand me”, etc. …When she was young, she grumbled at one of her seniors; she said on the TV.
The senior answered to her with a smile, “That’s easy if you could change you!” … “I saw the light with his advice as the scales fell out of my eyes.” From next day, walking around the campus, I greeted every student; ‘Good morning’, ‘How is your condition today?’ …
Within a month or so, to be surprised, most students began to greet me before I did”
“I have no idea when we are going to die, so TODAY is our youngest day.”
“Not ‘doing to do’, but ‘to be being’, which is one of my favorite words.”
“Assumed that there are four seasons in our lives, probably I am in the winter; it sure is a good season, too; because we can realize the depth and calmness of our lives.”
因みに、「ノートルダム」(仏語)とは、「我らの貴婦人 = 聖母マリア」のこと。
BTW, “Notre-Dame” means “Our Lady: the Virgin Mary.”